
Jumat, 13 Juli 2012

Jenis HYIP

Sebelum Anda memutuskan untuk menjalankan bisnis HYIP, Anda harus mengenal jenis-jenis HYIP serta tata cara transaksi dan pembayaran profitnya.
Jenis-jenis HYIP:
1. HYIP INVESTMENT Yaitu HYIP yang murni investasi, dimana Anda bisa mendapatkan profit hanya dengan berinvestasi atau menyetor uang saja tanpa harus melakukan apapun. Biasanya HYIP jenis ini beroperasi di pasar saham, forex, komoditi, perdagangan logam, property dan lain-lain.
2. HYIP AUTOSURF Yaitu HYIP yang meminta Anda mengeklik iklan mereka. HYIP Autosurf ini bekerja dengan prinsip menawarkan sesuatu secara gratis pada para membernya.
3. HYIP SCAMMER Yaitu HYIP dengan sistem Ponzi Scheme (Skema Ponzi).
Cara membedakan HYIP
1. HYIP resmi menggunakan dana investor untuk berinvestasi di pasar saham, forex, komoditi, perdagangan logam mulia, property dan lain-lain, untuk memperoleh pendapatan dari banyak sumber. Pendaftaran anggota saja tidak cukup untuk membuat HYIP resmi tetap beroperasi. Ini karena saat tidak ada anggota baru lagi, sumber pendapatan HYIP bisa hilang. Jadi, bila sebuah HYIP itu resmi biasanya mereka menjual produk atau jasa.
2. Owner HYIP resmi atau pihak managemen dapat dihubungi. Pemilik usaha HYIP yang serius akan menjalankannya dengan serius pula. Artinya mereka akan mendirikan perusahaan secara resmi dan membuka informasi kontak mereka. Jika webmaster HYIP tersebut tak dapat memberikan informasi valid tentang “Perusahaan” mereka, bahkan hanya nomor telepon sekalipun, kebanyakan mereka adalah SCAM.
3. HYIP resmi mendapat banyak masukan positif. HYIP monitor adalah situs-situs yang mengevaluasi HYIP. Jika HYIP membayar, mereka mendapat rating positif. Jika tidak membayar, mereka mendapat rating negatif. HYIP resmi biasanya selalu memperoleh rating positif dari para HYIP monitor. HYIP resmi juga memperoleh feedback positif hampir dari seluruh penjuru internet.
Cara pembayaran yang biasa dilakukan oleh HYIP yaitu :
1. Manual Withdraw
Pembayaran dilakukan setelah Anda melakukan penarikan, baru ditransfer ke rekening Anda antara 1 - 72 jam.
2. Instant Withdraw
Pembayaran langsung Anda terima setelah melakukan penarikan atau setelah profit Anda jatuh tempo. Dan saat itu juga langsung ditransfer ke rekening e-currency
3. Fully Automatic Withdraw
Pembayaran yang langsung ditransfer ke rekening e-currency Anda tanpa melalui proses penarikan

Before you decide to run a business, you must know your HYIP type of HYIP and transactions and the procedures for payment of profit.
Types of HYIP:
1. HYIP INVESTMENT That is a pure investment HYIP, where you can get a profit just by investing or deposit money without having to do anything. Usually this type of HYIP operating on the stock market, forex, commodities, metals, trading, property and others.
2. HYIP AUTOSURF The HYIP that asks you to click their ads. This work with HYIP Autosurf principles offer something for free in our of our members.
3. HYIP SCAMMERS The HYIP with Ponzi Scheme system (Ponzi scheme).
How to differentiate HYIP
1. official investor using funds HYIP to invest in the stock market, forex, commodities, precious metals trading, property and others, to gain revenue from many sources. Member registration alone is not enough to create an official keep operating. HYIP This is because when no new members again, source of income can be lost. HYIP So, when a HYIP that officially they usually sell their products or services.
2. the Owner or the management official HYIP can be contacted. Serious HYIP business owners will run it seriously anyway. This means they will be officially founded the company and open their contact information. If the webmaster of such an HYIP can provide valid information about "Corporate" them, even just a phone number though, most of them are SCAM.
3. official got many HYIP positive input. HYIP monitors are sites that evaluate the HYIP. If paying HYIP, they got a positive rating. If you don't pay, they received a negative rating. Official usually always obtain HYIP rating positive of the HYIP monitors. HYIP officially also gained positive feedback from almost all corners of the internet.
The usual way of payments performed by HYIP listed below:
1. Manually Withdraw
Payments are made once you make a withdrawal, he was transferred to Your new account between 1-72 hours.
2. Instant Withdraw
Direct payment you receive after making a withdrawal or after your profits is due. And then also immediately transferred into an account e-currency
3. Fully Automatic Withdraw
The payment is directly transferred to Your e-currency account without going through the process of withdrawal

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